Interface Adapt
access this type via: composition.Adapt (provides, requires or uses)
Utility API to perform runtime adaptation on a required interface or on a specific object. Note that IDC references are typically gained via the use of Loader.
bool adaptObject(IDC ofComponent, Object object, IDC newImplementation, char interfaceName[])
bool adaptRequiredInterface(IDC ofComponent, char interfaceName[], IDC toComponent, optional char toInterfaceName[])
bool adaptObject(IDC ofComponent, Object object, IDC newImplementation, char interfaceName[])
Adapt a specific object to be sourced from a different component. This is typically used only on objects that have been dynamically sourced direct from a specified component, rather than for objects that have been sourced from a required interface.
ofComponent The component from which the object that you want to adapt was instantiated.
object The object that you want to adapt. The primary interface of this object must be of the type given by interfaceName
newImplementation The component that is to be the new implementation source of the object.
interfaceName Name of the interface type. This must be the primary interface of object, and must be a provided interface of the component newImplementation.
returns: True if the adaptation was successful, false otherwise.
bool adaptRequiredInterface(IDC ofComponent, char interfaceName[], IDC toComponent, optional char toInterfaceName[])
Adapt a given required interface of a component to be wired to a different component Q. All objects sourced from that required interface are adapted to be sourced from Q. Note that toComponent must have a required interface of the given name, and toComponent must have a provided interface of the same name.
ofComponent The component with the required interface you want to adapt.
interfaceName The string name of the required interface type that you want to adapt.
toComponent The component with the provided interface that you want to wire the required interface to.
toInterfaceName The specific provided interface of toComponent to wire to, if different from interfaceName.
returns: True if the adaptation was successful, false otherwise.