Interface Intercept
access this type via: composition.Intercept (provides, requires or uses)
Utility API to perform runtime adaptation on a required interface by inserting an intercept component between that required interface and its current providing interface side. Note that IDC references are typically gained via the use of Loader.
bool insertIntercept(IDC ofComponent, char reqInterface[], IDC interceptor, char icProvInterface[], char icReqInterface[])
bool removeIntercept(IDC ofComponent, char reqInterface[], IDC toComponent, char provInterface[], char icReqInterface[])
bool insertIntercept(IDC ofComponent, char reqInterface[], IDC interceptor, char icProvInterface[], char icReqInterface[])
Insert an intercepting component between a required and provided interface. The intercepting component should already be wired against the current component implementing the provided interface of the existing wiring.
ofComponent The component with the required interface you want to intercept.
reqInterface The string name of the required interface type that you want to intercept.
interceptor The component which will be used as the interceptor. This component must either implement the reqInterface type or a proxy type.
icProvInterface The name of the provided interface of interceptor to wire to (often the same as interfaceName).
icReqInterface The name of the required interface of the interceptor to wire through to the original provider component (often the same as interfaceName).
returns: True if the adaptation was successful, false otherwise.
bool removeIntercept(IDC ofComponent, char reqInterface[], IDC toComponent, char provInterface[], char icReqInterface[])
Remove an intercepting component between a required and provided interface.
ofComponent The component with the required interface you want to remove the intercept from.
reqInterface The string name of the required interface type that you want to from the intercept from.
toComponent The component which is currently on the 'other' side of the interceptor, and to which ofComponent will be directly wired once the interceptor has been removed.
provInterface The name of the provided interface of toComponent (often the same as interfaceName).
icReqInterface The name of the required interface of the interceptor that was placed on this wiring (often the same as interfaceName).
returns: True if the adaptation was successful, false otherwise.