Interface Archive
access this type via: compress.Archive (provides, requires or uses)
--- semantic variants: zip, targz, tar
Interface to read file archives, often using compression.
Archive(storeFile fd)
ArchiveFile[] getContents(char path[])
ArchiveFile[] getAllContents()
bool exists(char path[])
ArchiveFile getInfo(char path[])
byte[] extractFile(char path[])
bool extractFileTo(char path[], File ofd)
Archive(storeFile fd)
Create a new Archive instance, which will read the archive from the given file.
ArchiveFile[] getContents(char path[])
Get the contents of the given directory within the archive (or the root folder, if path is null).
ArchiveFile[] getAllContents()
Get all contents of the archive as a flat list.
bool exists(char path[])
Check if a given file or directory exists in the archive.
ArchiveFile getInfo(char path[])
Get the details of a given file or directory in the archive.
byte[] extractFile(char path[])
Extract (decompress) a file in the archive, returning the extracted bytes. Use of this function is generally suitable only for small files.
bool extractFileTo(char path[], File ofd)
Extract (decompress) a file in the archive, writing the extracted file to the given output file.