Interface Perception
access this type via: pal.Perception (provides, requires or uses)
Accepts perception data from components and returns all perception data recorded so far.
void addMetric(char name[], int value, bool preferHigh, optional bool overwrite)
void addEvent(char name[], int value, optional bool overwrite)
void addTrace(char content[])
PerceptionData getPerception()
void addMetric(char name[], int value, bool preferHigh, optional bool overwrite)
Records a metric with a given name. Metrics are used to understand the current performance of a component.
void addEvent(char name[], int value, optional bool overwrite)
Records an event with a given name. Events are used to understand the deployment environment of a component.
void addTrace(char content[])
Records trace data that is used for additional system diagnostics, for example from an injected proxy capturing data travelling across a specific interface.
PerceptionData getPerception()
Returns all perception data recorded since the last time this function was called.