Interface RestAPI
access this type via: pal.control.RestAPI (provides, requires or uses)
Wrapper interface around the REST API for the perception and assembly elements of the PAL framework. Calls on this interface are translated to RESTful web server calls against the specified serverAddress and port.
RestAPI(char serverAddress[], int port)
String[] getConfigs()
char[] getConfig()
bool setConfig(char str[])
PerceptionData getPerception()
char[] getSystemPath()
bool addComponent(char str[])
bool remComponent(char str[])
char[] updComponent(char str[])
char[] updArch(String intfs[])
bool addIntercept(char intf[], char cmp[])
bool remIntercept(char intf[], char cmp[])
InterceptInfo[] getIntercepts()
RestAPI(char serverAddress[], int port)
String[] getConfigs()
char[] getConfig()
bool setConfig(char str[])
PerceptionData getPerception()
char[] getSystemPath()
bool addComponent(char str[])
bool remComponent(char str[])
char[] updComponent(char str[])
char[] updArch(String intfs[])
bool addIntercept(char intf[], char cmp[])
bool remIntercept(char intf[], char cmp[])
InterceptInfo[] getIntercepts()