Interface Category
access this type via: stats.chart.Category (provides, requires or uses)
--- extends:ChartCore
--- semantic variants: box, bar, boxH, barH
API to create a single-category graph, where one axis is used to show evenly-spaced categories, such as a bar chart or histogram. Use one of the semantic variants of this interface to select a particular type of graph.
void addSample(char cat[], dec values[], optional bool redraw)
void setSeriesColor(storeColor c)
void showErrorBars(bool on)
void clampErrorBars(dec low, dec high)
void setCatDisplayWidth(dec percent)
void setCatDisplayPadding(int pixels)
void addSample(char cat[], dec values[], optional bool redraw)
Add a new sample (or set of samples) for a specific category.
cat The category in which this series data will appear.
values The values for this series data for this category.
void setSeriesColor(storeColor c)
Sets a color used to display this series.
c The color for this series.
void showErrorBars(bool on)
Display error bars on the graph (if the specific implementation supports it).
on True to show error bars, false otherwise.
void clampErrorBars(dec low, dec high)
Display a legend on the graph, using the display names for series.
void setCatDisplayWidth(dec percent)
Set the width of category display rendering as a percentage of the category space available (for example, the relative width of bars on a bar chart).
percent A number between 0.0 and 100.0.
void setCatDisplayPadding(int pixels)
Set a level of padding between the edge of the category space available and the category rendering.
pixels Number of pixels to pad each side of a category.