Interface TabList
access this type via: ui.TabList (provides, requires or uses)
--- extends:KeyEventObject
select(TabDetails t)
delete(TabDetails t)
add(TabDetails t)
fileDrop(String filePath)
int add(char text[], optional storeData value)
void update(int id, char text[], optional storeData value)
void remove(int id)
void select(int id)
int getSelected()
int[] getTabs()
TabDetails getDetails(int id)
void setWidth(int w)
void setBackground(storeColor c)
void setOffColor(storeColor c)
void setOnColor(storeColor c)
void setTextOffColor(storeColor c)
void setTextOnColor(storeColor c)
void setFont(storeFont font)
select An event which reports when the user clicks on a tab that's different to the currently-selected one.
delete An event which reports when the user deletes a tab.
add An event which reports when the user adds a tab.
fileDrop An event which reports when the user drops a file over the tab list.
int add(char text[], optional storeData value)
Add a new tab to the tab list.
void update(int id, char text[], optional storeData value)
Update a tab with new details.
void remove(int id)
Remove a tab from the tab list.
void select(int id)
Set a tab as the currently-selected one.
int getSelected()
Get which tab is currently selected.
int[] getTabs()
Get tab ID list.
TabDetails getDetails(int id)
Get tab details by ID.
void setWidth(int w)
Set the width in pixels.
void setBackground(storeColor c)
Set the background of the tab list.
void setOffColor(storeColor c)
Set the background color of nonselected tabs.
void setOnColor(storeColor c)
Set the background color of the selected tab.
void setTextOffColor(storeColor c)
Set the text color of non-selected tabs.
void setTextOnColor(storeColor c)
Set the text color of the selected tab.
void setFont(storeFont font)
Set the text font of the tab list.