Interface TextArea
access this type via: ui.TextArea (provides, requires or uses)
--- extends:KeyEventObject
A text area for multiple lines of text.
char[] getText(optional char lineSeparator[])
void setText(char text[])
void setSize(int w, int h)
void setBackground(storeColor c)
void setBorder(storeColor c)
void setHighlight(storeColor c)
void setTextColor(storeColor c)
void setFont(storeFont f)
void setCursorPos(int p)
int getCursorPos()
void setWordWrap(bool v)
void setLineNumbers(bool v)
void setAutoIndent(bool v)
textChanged An event which reports whenever the content of the text area is changed (which could be by entering new text, cutting or pasting, deleting text, etc.).
char[] getText(optional char lineSeparator[])
Get the current text in the area.
void setText(char text[])
Set the current text in the area.
void setSize(int w, int h)
Set the width and height of the area in pixels.
void setBackground(storeColor c)
Set the background of the text area.
void setBorder(storeColor c)
Set the border of the text area.
void setHighlight(storeColor c)
Set the text highlight style of the text area.
void setTextColor(storeColor c)
Set the text color of the text area.
void setFont(storeFont f)
Set the font used in the text area.
void setCursorPos(int p)
Set the position of the cursor, as a character index starting from zero.
int getCursorPos()
Get the current position of the cursor, as a character index starting from zero.
void setWordWrap(bool v)
Set word-wrap on/off.
void setLineNumbers(bool v)
Set line numbers on/off.
void setAutoIndent(bool v)
Set automatic indent on/off.