Data type MDElement
access this type via: parsing.Markdown (uses)
Markdown instance, used by the Markdown parser to represent a parsed document. Each parsed document will start with a root node, which has one or more children instances. Each data instance has a type, and may have an extType. Each data instance may have a content value, and an extInfo value.
byte PARAGRAPH Possible 'type' value, indicating a paragraph. The content & extInfo fields will be null.
byte PLAIN Possible 'type' value, indicating a section of plain text, with potential styling modifiers. The extType field will contain a bitwise or of the style used for this text. The content field will be the text.
byte LINK Possible 'type' value, indicating a hyperlink. The content field will be set to the URL. The extInfo field will be set to the title of the link, if any. The child nodes of this instance will be the visible element(s) of the link (such as text, or an image).
byte IMAGE Possible 'type' value, indicating an image. The content field will contain the path to the image file. The extType field may contain alt text for the image.
byte CODE_BLOCK Possible 'type' value, indicating a block of code. May have extType set to CODE_FENCE if this is a fenced code block, in which case extInfo may also be set to the language name. The content field will be set to the text of the code block, which should be rendered verbatim.
byte QUOTE_BLOCK Possible 'type' value, indicating a block quote. The child nodes will be set to the markdown elements that are inside the block quote.
byte LIST_ORDERED Possible 'type' value, indicating an ordered list. Each child node will be set to LIST_ITEM, one of the items in the list.
byte LIST_UNORDERED Possible 'type' value, indicating an unordered list. Each child node will be set to LIST_ITEM, one of the items in the list.
byte LIST_ITEM Possible 'type' value, indicating an item in a list. Each child node will be one or more document elements forming the content of this list item.
byte HEADING Possible 'type' value, indicating that this is a header. The extType field will be set to one of the header types H1...H6.
byte HLINE Possible 'type' value, indicating that this is a horizontal line.
byte H1 Possible value for extType, when type is HEADING.
byte H2 Possible value for extType, when type is HEADING.
byte H3 Possible value for extType, when type is HEADING.
byte H4 Possible value for extType, when type is HEADING.
byte H5 Possible value for extType, when type is HEADING.
byte H6 Possible value for extType, when type is HEADING.
byte CODE_FENCE Possible value for extType, when type is CODE_BLOCK. If set, this indicates that extInfo may contain a programming language name.
byte BOLD Possible bitwise or value for extType, when type is PLAIN.
byte ITALIC Possible bitwise or value for extType, when type is PLAIN.
byte CODE Possible bitwise or value for extType, when type is PLAIN.
byte type The type of this instance.
byte extType Extended type information for this instance; value may or may not be used depending on type.
char content[] The content of this instance, often used to carry text, but sometimes used for other purposes depending on type.
char extInfo[] Extended textual information relating to this instance, which may or may not be used depending on type.
MDElement children[] The child nodes of this instance, which may or may not be used depending on type.